Freitag, 12. April 2013

%$$$ Samsung UE50F5570

Buy Samsung UE50F5570

Samsung UE50F5570
Most of the patron reviews inform that the Samsung UE50F5570 from Publisher ,are quality product. It could be a pretty great product for the value. You can scan overview from consumers to find out additional from their past experiences. The customers feedback will give you a nice suggestion of the price and nice satisfaction of the products.

All in all, we are actually suggest Samsung UE50F5570 fou you. This shopping online sellers provide the best quality and save cost price which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you with a a great deal of fuller data on the cons and pros of the Samsung UE50F5570.

Energieeffizienzklasse: A+ :: Lable-Code: ka :: Energieverbrauch im Ein - Zustand: 64 Watt :: Energieverbrauch pro Jahr: 93 KWh :: Energiesparmodus: k.A. :: Energieverbrauch Standby: 0,3 Watt :: Spitzenluminanz: ka :: LED-Fernseher :: Bildschirmdiagonale: 127 cm (50 Zoll) :: Auflösung: 1.920 x 1.080 Pixel :: Bildschirmformat: 16:9 :: integrierte Digitaltuner: DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-S2 :: Anschlüsse: 3x HDMI, 2x USB, WLAN, 1x Komponenteneingang, 1x Composite Eingang, 1x Digitalausgang, 1x SCART, 1x Antenneneingang, 1x Kopfhörerausgang, 1x DVI Audioeingang, 1x LAN :: Ausstattung: Smart Hub, Web Browser, Connect Share Movie, Recorderfunktion, AllShare, EPG u.v.m. :: Abmessungen ohne Standfuß (BxHxT): 1135,4 x 668 x 49,8 mm :: Abmessungen mit Standfuß (BxHxT): 1135,4 x 741,8 x 307,3 mm :: Gewicht ohne Standfuß: 13 kg :: Gewicht mit Standfuß: 14,7 kg

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Tags: Samsung UE50F5570, Samsung UE50F5570 review, buy save Samsung UE50F5570

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