Freitag, 15. März 2013

+++ Belkin Cooling Pad buy

Belkin Cooling Pad

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Check Price for "Belkin Cooling Pad".

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Belkin Cooling Pad Buy It Now

Belkin Cooling Pad

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"Belkin Cooling Pad" Feature

A Cooling Pad that Out-Cools the Rest*

Better Airflow. Better Cooling.
Keep your laptop cool and comfortable on your lap or at your desk?thanks to the Laptop Cooling Pad′s superior airflow. The patent-pending Airflow Wing allows the fan to pull more air in, so you get better cooling and quieter operation than two-fan designs.

Designed for Comfort
The Laptop Cooling Pad′s unique design elements help ensure your comfort. The fan is positioned directly under the CPU to pull heat away at the source, while the patented wave shape and Smart Convection design optimize circulation to let hot air flow up and away from your laptop.

*Independent third-party testing of cooling performance done by NTS Testing and Engineering Services. Testing measured laptop temperature before and after 20 minutes of operation with cooling-pad products. Testing included the Belkin Cooling Pad and top cooling-pad products in terms of market share in the United States as of October 2009.

- Patent-pending Airflow Wing for better cooling and quieter operation
- Patented wave design enhances cooling capabilities
- Smart Convection design for optimim air circulation allows hot air to flow up and away from heat source
- Optimal fan location directly under CPU to pull heat away at the source
- USB cable included to power cooling pad
- Convenient storage compartment for USB cable when not in use
- Gentle slope for improved typing comfort and reduced wrist strain
- Raised screen height to help reduce neck strain
- Fits conveniently inside a laptop bag
- Grip pads to prevent laptop from slipping

"Belkin Cooling Pad" Video

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